Your home workspace should come with you on the journey. Maybe at first, it was just you and your laptop, then you made a commitment with foldable furniture that allows you to move around and finally you settled down in a corner of the house, be it the bedroom corner or a dedicate home office room.
Either way, the evolution of your work reflects on your workspace and the other way around. Evolving with you and for you, your home workspace can serve as inspiration for others. Today we’re exploring a different kind of WFH setups: YouTube creators that share their workspace setups and how these interior design ideas apply for different proffesional fields: photography, design & advertising, cinematography and gadgets & gaming.
If you’ve spent more time working from home lately, doing video calls, creating content, thinking, reading, planning, writing – then you might want to invest more into this space that supports your creativity and productivity.
Experienced YouYubers Turn Basement into Stunning Home Studio
Starting off with a well-known duo – Becki and Chris have an amazing setup they recently uploaded where their 15 year old photography passion comes alive with the addition of other interests like videography and even interior design.
Two years in the making, this dark and dramatic studio setup has plenty of storage space, design details that are also functional and all the gear they use, placed on gear shelves. They managed to fit 15 years worth of gear in a very streamlined studio design optimized for simplicity.
The mood created in their new home studio is something that will fascinate you and you will want to dig deeper into their whole YouTube channel. Let’s enjoy:
Tech-focused content creation home setup
This walk-through into a creative professional’s home setup redesign inspires us to plan before starting to move furniture around. A creative mind will use all knowledge available to create a home workspace that’s temporary only because it welcomes evolution.
Matthew Encina’s main setup for his home office is part of an ongoing office update series he has on his YouTube, dealing with the evolution of his workspace into supporting his changing and growing needs.
Matthew Encina is an award-winning creative professional, diving into design, advertising and content creation, also known for Coldplay’s interactive music video. So how is someone who’s professional life looks like this work flow like?
The video you’re about to enjoy is an invitation into his workspace (right before the redesign), but also into Matthew’s redecorating process – based on three pillars: function, flow and familiarity:
Cinematographer WFH YouTube Studio Design
Moving on to our next example of a YouTube creator home office setup, the first thing that catches your eyes is the transformation of an empty room into a minimalist workspace that has everything needed (included a sofa to sleep on).
Many people choose the bedroom to setup their home office and there are plenty of inspirational bedroom home offices out there, check some of them out right here. In most bedroom setups, the sleeping function comes first, but in this home studio, the functions were blended together from the start.
Director & Cinematographer Jordan Pulmano starts the year with a new work from home setup that takes us on a vlog-style tour of his home office space, combined with some B-roll scenes. Let’s watch and enjoy:
YouTube Setup For Gadget-Loving People
This next setup focuses more on the gadgets used by its owner, Gizmoegram. Known for gadgets reviews and gaming, this YouTuber really puts it all on the table … or the home office desk, to be more precise.
Beyond the gadgets, we can see that this YouTube home office setup has (like most out there) a way of woking with the light that creates depth, interest and focus, depending on how the light is used.
Also, this YouTube studio setup has a standing desk that’s highly recommended for those who tend to work a lot from home. Switching between sitting and standing is crucial for maintaining our health.
Check out his setup and all the gadgets he has that compose a very focused home office setup that caters to his audience:
After seeing all these YouTube home office setups, there is one more workspace you would definitely love, this Vlogger’s home office that unveils texture heaven: