Having a home office room is what a lot of us have been dreaming of for at least a year now. Because working from home has its pluses and minuses, a room dedicated to just work comes in handy if you have the space to create one.
Privacy is not the only thing needed when working from home. An enticing interior design can mean the difference between an easy, uninterrupted work flow and an atmosphere that weights heavy on your mind while working.
This is why we consider that inspiring design can elevate your work-from-home lifestyle and bring that necesary peace of mind. So let’s see how exactly can having a choice between two versions of the same space influence your mood – which version of these two home office designs would you choose for yourself?

We’re about to explore two different design prepositions for this particular space. Both keep the same main design lines and color palette, but each provokes a slightly different feeling.
Visualized by Archiplastica, this mostly grey home office room was dotted with color just enough to lift up the owner’s spirit without taking the focus away from the actual work. In the middle of the office space, a modern desk and chair sit illuminated by a long lamp hanging above.

In both versions, two yellow armchairs were separated from the grey sofa by a round coffee table, making it easy to entertain guests and business partners in a rather casual environment. The furniture pieces difffer, but the idea caters to the same needs. In order to keep the space cosy, a grey rug defines this casual space and elegantly covers the wooden flooring.
The huge grey flower display on the wall matches the rest of the house, helping in creating a unitary design throughout. Acting as an accent wall, the flower brings even more elegance to the work environment and breaks the monotony of white walls.
If you look closer, you will see that these renders offer the owner different choices when it comes to some design elements, while maintaining the initial idea of having a private space for work. If this was your home office, which type of furniture would you choose from the two available versions?

This second design version has a large lamp leaning over the sofa and extra storage space in the shape of a white furniture piece under the glazed wall separating the home office room from the rest of the apartment.

At night, the whole working space is invigorated in a different way than we can see during the day. When natural light is gone, a set of artificial illuminators help bring the home office to life.

Curtains close up to reveal the way designers created an inviting home office design with the help of artificial light. The 3D flower comes alive thanks to its dimensional shadows and still avoids to overpower the overall feeling of elegance.

There’s a special feeling when you arrive to that place in your life where you get to choose the design of your own home office. A designer can help put things into perspective by giving you multiple versions of the same space so that you can decide the one that best fits your needs and wishes.
Here are some more home office rooms that have that special feeling of perfection:
French-Inspired Soft Grey Home Office Design