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Soft-Colored Girls Bedroom Boasting Pink Study Space

When you have to work from home with kids, things are even more complicated than you first thought.

There are some important choices we make in life and some of them are the choices we make when it comes to our children. During the time you’re working from home, your child might be in their room playing or studying.

A disciplined mind is formed in the early years. This is where the need for your child to have a dedicated study space comes in. Part of the whole bedroom design, the corner of the room where the study space was placed is large and uncluttered. An inviting study space always makes the desire for knowledge grow bigger and bigger.

This girl’s pink bedroom designed by Aliev Architects boasts a huge flower mural on the wall opposite the study space and bed. Soft pink shades embelish the whole space. In the corner of the room, right next to the window, the pink floating desk has a white mesh installed behind it.

This acts as a magnetic board where ideas, photos or decor can be showcased. Forming the word “create”, the letters displayed already hint towards the energy given off by this space – a creative, soft-colored girl bedroom where play and study intertwine to create new ideas.

Plenty of light make sure the child can use this space at all times, while greenery cascading down the shelf above the desk makes a strong statement about the need to be outdoors.

This is actually the only powerful color in the room, all others are subdued, creating a soft, feminine effect. When you add a cosy and colorful chiar into the mix, the hours spent studying will prove effective.

Plenty of storage space makes sure the space can be uncluttered, keeping the energy between play and study.

Here are some more kids study spaces to get your inspiration fired up:

Gamified study space in stunning kids room

Lavish Teen Bedroom with Outstanding Study Space

Preparing for Adulthood: Teen study and sport bedroom

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