Unique study space built to express the childrens’ preferences can easily be translated by interior designers into the perfect environment for each.
These 10 ways in which custom furniture can shape study spaces in kids bedrooms demonstrate different styles, from adventurous to classic. Let’s explore each:
Custom Furniture: Freedom to Design Your Dreams
Custom furniture can be molded by skilled interior design studios into stunning environments that also support creativity, freedom of movement and interaction with the environment. Our first example showcases a creative freedom given by the space to construct a fantasy-like space where the children can play, study and explore. All details here: Gamified study space in stunning kids room.

Custom Furniture to Grow Into: Dreams into Reality
This fantastic kids room setup in the attic shows us how you can take an idea and let your imagination run with it. The attic being close to the sky, a skylight flooding the space with natural sunlight inspired the clouds on the ceiling and soft colour palette.
Kids must dream, and yet there’s always an adult there that also encourages them to start working to make their dreams come true after the reverie. This is where the long desk comes in, ready to support the little girl sleeping here into her future.

Custom Furniture Spaning Two Functions on an Entire Wall
Grey furniture for a double kids room can look fabulous if it’s given dimension with an accent wall in the same color, like in our next example. Two kids beds close to each other makes enough room for a small study space that can be shared right near the window.
Planning it like this makes it look amazing because the desk is actually part of the headboard uniting the two separate beds. It also asumes that kids will share time at the computer, so not every designed is suited for the personalized activities in that specific family. Custom furniture comes with custom solutions for that particular home lifestyle.

Frames on Furniture can Make a Creative Difference
Custom furniture can mean something as simple as this white furniture duo tied into the overall kids bedroom theme with the help of red frames supporting the needed functions.
The eyecatching background showcases a deep love for technology that will guide the child towards the passion displayed on the wall. Some people used to hang up posters to remind them of what they cherished, today we can create a custom environment through interior design in the kids room.

Kids Study Space Designed with Bold Colors Contrasting Soft Wood
Part of a stylish home, this next study space was set up in a corner of the kids room. Keeping a deep and dual color palette – burgundy and wooden textures – ensures this partially secluded corner study space is brightly lit with natural sunlight coming from the glass door.
Slim lines holding up the library’s shelves show that fragility, if well supported, is beautiful. Keeping the wood a soft, warm color makes the walls stand out even more. And those beautiful rounded edges displayed by both the chair and the desk are a perfect fit for this kids room.

Custom Furniture for Kids Rooms: Smart Partitioning
Custom-built furniture can easily wrap around the room to acquire not only neccesary spaces – the sleeping area, the study space, storage – but also beautiful design that creates the whole mood.
Part of an open plan 50 sqm apartment where screen dors and partitions were used to split the spaces as needed, this kids room further explores the potential of custom furniture.

Custom details that speak volumes and tell a story
Custom furniture also includes the design elements, as seen in the kids bedroom below. The three rounded elements in the corner of the room makes for a more visually appelaing study space. Keeping the color palette simple and the furntiure minimalist, this modern kids room mirrors the design seen in the rest of this apartment.

Modern Custom Furniture and Millenial Forest Inspiration
Creating a whole mood in a kids room comes down to custom personalization of the space. Almost any dream can be transposed into reality wth custom furniture. The example below showcases how both during the day and the night, the space comes alive by employing a smart sleeping/studying setup and design elements like the painted trees and fantasy-like string of lights on the door, doubled by a hidden LED light.

Soft Colors, Strong Kids Decor Room Ideas
A simple kids room can be transformed into a fantastic environment. Thie next example shows an inspiring setup that parts the bed side from the rest of the room and displays a floating desk and matching storage space as a space-arranging solution.
Miffy decor and soft pink was used to create the mood and natural light can always be set aside with the floor-to-ceiling curtain. With an entire wall in the room being fit for storage, different functions were translatred into the design, including the little file holders near the little desk.

Designed by Rina Lovko Studio
Curated Artistic Pieces and Custom Furniture
An Eames elephant decorates any modern kids room because it brings its own art beyond functionality. And then you look around the rest of this space and see how this undulating creative burst is found in the shape of the colorful chairs and the bright yellow chosen to delineate the study space.
This double desk for kids ensures they can play and color side by side and learn that they have their own spot and they also have to share the desk space – and also share that beautiful Eames elephant.

Depending on the age of your kid and if you have more than one, the available space at home can be designed with functionality, but also design in mind. It’s important for children to learn something from the spaces they inhabit.
After all these 10 custom furniture for kids room examples, you might want to explore further:
Soft-Colored Koi-Pond Kids Study in Japandi Style Bedroom