Desk design means borrowing from a functional design that worked for ages – the cabinet – and giving it a modern, inspiring twist – the modern cabinet desk.
The Elmer Desk is such a precious piece of furniture that actually helps decorate the entire space. Just place it against a wall and your space will be transformed in both functional and visual terms. Its dark silhouette hides your work during the times you’re not working, proving a blessing in designer clothes.
Designed by Bastien Chapelle in collaboration with furniture brand iRESISTUB, the Elmer Desk minimalist work desk focuses on a minimalist aesthetic, exploring maximum functionality within a minimal space.
Resting on two sturdy legs, the stylish black cabinet can be used aywhere in the house, against a supportive wall.
A discreet storage space keeps all your belongings tucked away at the end of the workday and is ready to serve the next day.
Small but potent, the workstation folds down to reveal this hidden storage space and enough room for your laptop or notebook. In an already crowded space, where we have to live and work from, a small, well designed cabinet is a breath of fresh design. Especially if you prefer simplicity, this desk design looks inviting from every angle.
Closed, it looks like a modernist sculpture and when itswooden workstation comes down, it reveals the reality behind your work – it depends on you whether it is chaotic or organized. The Elmer Desk displays a warm, organic look.
If you were looking into buying a small desk, a compact workstation, the Elmer Desk is a fabulous choice. If you need to fold up or carry your workstation around different rooms of your house, these ideas can help you decide the best solution for you:
Temporary Foldable and Rollable TEMP Desk