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Remote Freedom: Nissan Caravan Office Pod Concept

Since we’ve seen the rise in the production of small remote office spaces during 2020, we were not surprised to see companies building new pandemic-inspired things. The idea of building things inspired by the coronavirus’ consequences is not surprising, but rather expected.

What’s surprising is the opportunity of creating functional, aesthetically pleasing products that leads to quite surprising points of view.

This time we’re reffering to the Nissan NV350 Caravan Office Pod Concept – a car built as a travelling office space.

Office pods, campers and trailers, all these lead us to think that we’re going to live in a changed society when the pandemic is over – maybe we’ll even reach that futuristic-looking aesthetics we’ve been seeing in sci-fi movies.

The Nissan Caravan Office Pod Concept was created for those workaholics that prefer to be out on the road, just with their laptop and work remote. And nothing screams remote more than a mobile office pod cradled inside the back of an electric van – just pack and go off to work somewhere that feels inspiring.

Imagine waking up just before sunset to witness the most amazing natural colors in the sky, then getting to work feeling energized and ready for the day ahead.

In the back of the van, a smartphone-controlled office pulls out so that you don’t have to feel claustrophobic while working. At just a touch of a button, the whole office pods expands or retracts. It also has electrically actuated shades and a glove box loaded with UV antibacterial lamp for hygiene, perfect for enjoying the great outdoors while so close to civilization through tech and design.

Equipped with a Herman Miller Cosm chair, the office pod will keep you working comfortable even in the wild. A polycarbonate floor allows you to watch a screensaver at your feet thanks to an embedded display. And as if the interior wasn’t enough, during work breaks you can climb on top of the electrical van to the rooftop deck, that can easily be accessed from inside the vehicle. What more do you need to feel free while working?

Check out more ideas for living the life of a remote worker you always dreamed about:

5 home office pods for distraction-free work

Geodesic Workstation Cabin for Remarkable Gardens

Second Look Stunning: Mirror Garden Office Space

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