30 Inspiring Workspaces Burrowed Under a Window

When your workspace sits under a window, natural light floods you with inspiration and vitamin D. There are so many options of enjoying working from home and placing your desk under a window is one of them. Let’s explore 30 inspiring workspaces that found their best position under direct natural light: In a two-level apartment,…

Luxury home office boasting black marble fireplace

Designed by Diff Studio, this luxurious home office room is not only a space where work is easy thanks to the interior design, but it also has one elements rarely found in a workspace – a contemporary fireplace. We’re used to imagine ourselves in a cosy living room, enjoying a glass of wine in front…

10 Composed Workspaces Defined by Color

Home workspaces defined by color have a powerful impact on your daily mood. Sunshine yellow can easily bright any Monday, while dark, dramatic colors can compose spaces fit for savy business people. Colorful does not necesarilly mean filled with different colors. Just one color can make a great impact and define a space suited for…

Teen workspace defining soft-colored minimalist bedroom

A teen with a workspace is a future adult with a great starting base. We know how important it is to have a working discipline from a young age. And since teenage years are the hardest, bringing about a lot of change, a private workspace helps root that future adult in a carefully constructed direction.…

Vlogger’s home office unveils texture heaven

An Ukrainian vlogger is lucky enough to live a dream life while working from a space custom designed for their needs. In tune with the rest of the 78 square meter apartment color scheme, the grey and chocolate workspace overlooks Kiev’s cityscape. A textured feature wall on one side of the office space was contrasted…

10 Dark Home Offices Soaked in Dramatic Glamour

Dark home offices scream masculinity from every nook, making it a surround sound through resourceful design. Sophistication comes from an ingenious combination of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. When you think about dark home office spaces, sophistication is something that becomes glamorous by using principles of interior design. Dim workspaces allow you to sit in…

Futuristic Home Office Looks Starship-Inspired

Futuristic home office design is slowly becoming a reality for some people. Take this sculptural home office that resembles a starship command center at first glance – wouldn’t you feel like you could reach hyperspeed at the touch of a button? Imagine sitting down at your desk and feeling like you have the universe at…

Home office design flaunting Star Wars hints

Home office design can easily enrich your work from home experience. Gathering your favorite things in a space that you work from reminds you of what you’re really working for, beyond putting food on the table. Inspiration comes when you know your values and personal preferences. Composing a dedicated space for working from home is…